give a second life
to your clothes
Create your store


Offer you a safe and collaborative resale platform that connects second hand sellers and buyers of the beautiful Souris Mini community, this is our goal! We want to create a movement of solidarity and exchange to allow you to make fabulous finds and to recycle for the good of our beautiful planet. It's up to you! Create your store, make it your own and share your favorites.

How to sell?

  1. Create your account / your store

    By creating an account on the platform, you will be able to activate your store and add all the items you want to sell.

  2. Publish your items

    Take pictures of your items by following the guide to successful pictures. Then add your item. Write down all the details. Set your price. Click publish and you're done!

  3. Complete your orders

    Send the sold item within 5 business days of purchase or schedule a pick up in person with the buyer via the platform mailbox or email.

  4. Receive your payment in a Souris Mini gift card

    Once the buyer has validated the receipt of the item, the amount of the sale will be available via the platform as a Souris Mini gift card. There are no sales fees. The amount goes entirely to the seller!

  5. Take advantage of the 10% bonus

    Souris Mini offers you a 10% bonus on the total amount of the sale to thank you for using the platform and contributing to its mission.


How to buy?

  1. Create your account

    If you already have an account to sell, please use the same account. Otherwise, create an account on the platform.

  2. Shop

    Shop on the platform and add the desired items to your cart.

  3. Make the payment

    Once you have finished shopping, proceed to the payment. You will make a payment for each seller. You will then receive a confirmation of your purchases by email.

  4. Validate the reception of your items

    When you receive your items by Canada Post, it is important to validate the receipt on the platform so that the seller receives his payment.

  5. Be proud of your action

    Enjoy your purchase now. Be proud to contribute to this great mission of respect for the planet!



A second life is great! In addition to doing good for the planet, you get the quality, creativity and durability that distinguish Souris Mini clothing at a low price. You also allow each garment to be worn by one more child and multiply the beautiful stories that make us grow. This is a wonderful way to love life!


Using the platform is also doing a good deed for the health of the planet. Conscious consumption is the new trend! Pride guaranteed!


Through this platform, you benefit from a large pool of buyers, an interesting offer of low-priced items... and a 10% bonus on your sales!


Great savings to be made! The platform allows you to find at low prices the quality, creativity and durability that distinguish Souris Mini clothing so well.


Valuing the Souris Mini quality and making it last over time while supporting our community is what makes the most sense to us to ensure the future of the planet. Allow each piece of clothe to be worn by one more child and multiply the beautiful stories that make us grow!